понедељак, 30. август 2010.

I used to be a romantic...

She was sitting on the sand with him, in sunset… They watched the sun attempt in the sea. It was painted in orange, because of the sun that was drowning in it. His hand lay on her shoulder. The tear was going down his cold cheek, but she couldn’t see it because she was watching sunset… A little groan seized from his mouth. She thought he was breathing loud, so she didn’t say anything. He removed the tear from his gentle cheek and continued watching sunset. Suddenly, the rain started falling from the sky. He knew why. She didn’t. How could she know what he was just going to do? But he still wasn’t brave enough to do it. He knew it’s going to break her heart. He felt the rain on his face. At least she wouldn’t see his tears, because they are covered by the rain. He thought, he isn’t the only one crying. The rain was crying, too.
It was dark already. The san has drowned in the sea, and what he was thinking was that she may never see its light again. He stood up, wet from the rain. She grabbed his hand with the smile on her face and said something about how beautiful the sunset was, but he didn’t really hear it well. He was thinking about something else. About …
‘’You know…’’, he said quietly.
‘’What?’’ She was happy but, he knew, not for long.
‘’I… I’m not sure about this.’’ He was almost crying.
‘’About what?’’ She was hoping he’s not going to say that, but all of her hopes were destroyed in the next moment.
‘’A-a-about us. I’m sorry.’’
‘’What? Why wouldn’t you be sure about us? What is going on?’’ She started crying.
‘’I don’t know, I just… I can’t do this…’’
‘’But, I don’t understand’’, she said with tears in her eyes. He didn’t understand, either.
‘’You said you like me’’, she added. ‘’But I guess you were lying, right? Oh, how stupid I was… I should never believe you.’’
‘’No, no… I wasn’t lying. What I said was true! But now… Its just different, I guess. I mean, I still like you and everything…But…’’ He was crying, too. That’s when she realized he was sorry, too.
‘’It’s alright, baby. I know.’’ They hugged each other. Both of them were crying.
‘’It’s all alright. Don’t you cry. I’ll be with you no matter what happens.’’
‘’I know, but it’ just that I won’t be with you. I can’t. it’s not like before, I can’t stand it anymore…’’ He let her hand and went. There were just marks in sand after him. She sat on the sand the whole night and cried. But she never saw him again. She realized, when the tears were running from their eyes, they were falling on their hearts and destroyed the love they felt. She still loves him, but he became just a memory of her life, buried deep in her heart. Her tears are still falling at him. Maybe someday they’ll kill him and take him away from her heart, who knows. But that will probably be when she dies. Yes, he’ll die with her.

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